Thursday, March 29, 2012

5 Things I Would NOT Want to Find in my Attic

5. Dead bodies
I know, I know- that's an obvious one, but really-- any living, dead, or UNDEAD body.  Really ANY body, no matter the degree of decomposition.

4.  Giant Hair Balls
No, not adorable Puss in Boots hairballs...

Like giant, nasty "any-old-cat" hair balls, or like the My Strange Addiction "I eat my own hair" hairballs

3.  A family of gypsies
I don't know how they would all fit up there, but, hey, regardless of their sleeping arrangements, I do NOT want to find them in my attic.

2.  A meth lab
I wouldn't even know a meth lab if I saw one, but I have a feeling it would not be as clean and tidy and picturesque as this wonderful pic, not to mention the potential for explosions and all that face picking!

1. Little Richard
By far the creepiest dude I can think of.   My worst nightmare is to open that attic door and there HE is sitting in the corner at a piano, and starts in on "A-Whop-Bomb-A-Loo-Op, A-Whop-Bam-Boom.... "  **shudders** With those crazy eyes and all that eyeliner.... eek.

Anything in particular that you would not want to find lurking around in your attic???  Let me know!
Happy Thursday!