It seems that these days silhouette-ing is ALL over the place. It's not just your run-of-the-mill Disney World souvenir anymore (am I the only one whose tiny black-framed silhouette is still gracing the walls of my parents house? I think not!). So, in the spirit of bringing a little old-school wall art into modern times, I have decided that my husband and I should be cast in black! I know, the suspense is just killing you...
You are going to need some fabulous and possibly unflattering profile pictures of your subjects. I say unflattering and you will soon understand what I mean. I apparently felt the need to pose for my profile pics in the middle of the night and looking particularly grungy. So you'll start with this:
See what I mean? eeww. Anyway, no time for vanity people! We must get going.
Print this lovely photo from your home printer in the size needed to fit your frame.
Cut your photo out following your profile carefully. This is important because any mistakes here could have you looking a bit... skewed. And the whole point is having PERSONALIZED silhouettes, if you didn't care if it looked like you why waste the time??
Now you'll need to gather some supplies:
A pencil
Black card stock
Background paper in a contrasting color
Scrap booking tape
Scrap booking tape
A pretty frame
Tape your cut-out profile onto the BACK of the black card stock and trace carefully around your profile.
Now if you have a wonky ponytail, like I did in my profile pic, just kinda re-draw it so it looks sassy. I also added a playful little eyelash, too.
Cut it out-- carefully again.
And you'll wind up with this:
Lastly: Arrange your silhouettes on your background paper and tape with double backed scrap booking tape, put in a frame and there you have it!
Now, where to put it?? Any ideas?
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